Our Services
  • Consulting Business
  • Financial Reporting Support
  • Internal Audits
  • Training & Outsourcing

Accounting Cloud Service

PJDolfin for closing

PJDolfin is a completely new cloud service that offers total support for your company's accounting and financial reporting process. From planning and operations to disclosure, it offers an organic framework spanning the entire accounting and financial reporting process.

How PJDolfin will change the way accounting is done

PJDolfin is a completely new Web service that makes the increasingly complicated accounting process smoother, faster and more accurate.

PJDolfin visualizes, standardizes and streamlines the accounting and financial reporting process!

For example…

・Make accounting both faster and more accurate
・Cut overall accounting costs
・Improve the overall skills of my accounting team
・Strengthen schedule and task management
・Establish a PDCA cycle effectively and efficiently
・Support for complicated systems
・Train staff or quickly accumulate know-how

For more details, see the PJDolfin Web site